Pharmaceutical Development
To design a quality product and its manufacturing process to deliver the intended performance of the product.
Quality by Design
QbD is a systematic approach to pharmaceutical development that begins with predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding based on sound science and quality risk management
Overall Principle of this approach:
Quality cannot be tested into products; i.e.,
Quality should be built in by design.
Key Principles of QbD
• Systematic approach to
– Product design
– Process design & control
– Process performance & continuous improvement
• Quality: Quality cannot be tested in the product; it should be built in by design
• Product Knowledge: Scientific understanding in the establishment of design, specifications and manufacturing
• Regulatory Flexibility
– Design space proposed by applicant is subject to regulatory assessment and working within the space is not a change
– Movement out of design space is considered to be a change and requires post-approval change process
Is QbD really a new concept?
• QbD is not a new concept from the technology perspective
• QbD is new relative to regulatory review and submission
• QbD is optional and should not become a regulatory requirement as agreed to in ICH Q8
• QbD will not necessarily be included in all submissions
• Generation of QbD information during IND phases should be at industry discretion
7 Step QbD Process for Pharmaceutical Product Development
1. Quality target product profile
2. Identify approach to drug product formulation/manufacturing process.
3. Identify potential Critical Quality Attributes of RM/DS/DP
4. Identify potential Critical Process Parameters
5. Using risk assessment & experimental approaches, determine the functional relationships that link raw material CQAs and unit operation CPPs to drug product CQAs
6. Refine formulation and manufacturing process, if necessary and repeat steps 3 -5 to meet QTPP defined in Step 1.
7. Establish Design Space and Control Strategy

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Hey Ryan!! This post about Quality by Design in Pharmaceutical products is a great source of information about advance way of Drug Delivery & Partnership. Thanks for sharing.